Smile! Life's too short not too ♡


My coach Rikki told me about this little gem. Was skeptical at first but now I can’t get enough!

4 egg whites
1 spray calorie free butter spray
1 packet sf sweetner

BAM!! Best night time savior 🙂


Did these TEN times last night and omg legs were shaking. I was shooting for at minimum 7 and got 10 in so I’m so proud of myself!! Last couple sets weren’t as quick as the others BUT were accomplished.  29 days till show getting more and more excited and officially registered 🙂


Hey guys here’s the recipie I like to use for our protein pancakes. Come in handy when its my super low carb day 🙂

Blend together : 2 scoops protein, I use vanilla. DO NOT USE DYMATIZE ELITE ISOLATE. That kind of protein doesn’t like to be cooked with turns things into rubber. Put 1/2 dry oatmeal. Next add some cinnamon four egg whites and a dash of vanilla almond milk or vanilla.

They cook QUICKLY!!! Then I used my walden farms strawberry syrup that doesn’t have ANYTHING in it. No carbs sugar calories ect… every competitors dream ♡

This entire dish ends up with:
27g carbs
0g sugar
1g fat
70ish g protein
And roughly 250 calories!!!


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This is my progress so far. HARD WORK PAYS OFF!  I finally got on a proper diet. Ive been working out for so long but just eating somewhat clean but out every weekend. The moment I got the right diet plan, prepped my meals and worked out according to my plan my body started changing drastically! I love it and its an addiction! BE HEALTHY BE HAPPY!


I am about 9 weeks out from my first bikini show! So excited and vert nervous. Glad to see progress! Always take pics so you can look back at all your hard work! Last week I was feeling down then saw my first pics about a month ago compared to now and was SHOCKED at the difference. A good diet and proper exercise can really do a body good.


JUST TRY IT. Low carb pizza anyone! Super diabetic friendly as well ♡ crust is made from cauliflower 🙂 taste just like bread. So delish 😉


Three egg whites, dash of cinnamon, dash of truvia sweetner, 1/4 c. Oats all blended up. Put a small piece of fruit in middle and bake at 350 degrees for 5 mins or less and enjoy!


1 teaspoon baking soda and powder. 3 egg whites. 3/4 cut old fashioned oats. 1 large banana. 1/2 cup greek plain yogurt. 2 scoops vanilla protien powder. 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 🙂

Oven at 350 degrees bake for 15 mins. I wrap them immediately after taking out of tin to keep moist!



I actually LOVE lemons on my water. Gives a bit of flavor and then I eat em up after! Glad they’re good for ya too!